Hans-Peter MoforsEditorialsEditor word: Issue 1 2024How many patients suffer from bipolar disorder? Or ADHD or any other well-defined psychiatric condition. Do they also suffer from...
Hans-Peter MoforsEditorialsEditor word: Issue 2 2023Starting around the mid-nineteenth century, psychiatrists were referred to as "alienists." It was the alienist's job to study, understand...
Ramunė MazaliauskienėEditorialsWord from NPA: Issue 2 2023The new issue is about us. Doctors, managers, counselors, leaders, but also – partners, spouses, parents, daughters/sons. We have many...
Hans-Peter MoforsEditorialsEditor word: Issue 1 2023I work all night, I work all day to pay the bills I have to pay. Ain’t it sad? And still there never seems to be a single penny left for...
Hans-Peter MoforsEditorialsEditor word: Issue 2 2022The title of this issue, Perinatal health, refers to the first 1001 days of a human being, namely from conception until a child is two...
Ramunė MazaliauskienėEditorialsWord from NPA: Issue 2 2022When I think about what to talk about in the introduction to this new issue of Nordic Psychiatrist, the first thought that comes to mind...
Hans-Peter MoforsEditorialsEditor word: Issue 1 2022When I started writing this issue's editorial, I was on my way home from the meeting, where we planned the content for this issue...
TNP editorial boardEditorialsStatements on the situation in Ukraine from NPA, WPA and EPAThe Nordic Psychiatric Association, a joint organization of the national psychiatric associations of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland...
Hans-Peter MoforsEditorialsEditor word: Issue 2 2021In this issue of “The Nordic Psychiatrist” we will focus on different aspects of leadership. What are the characteristics of a good leader?
Ramunė MazaliauskienėEditorialsWord from NPA: Issue 2 2021This issue is about leadership. Different kinds and different aspects of it: leadership as a part of management, leadership as an...
Hans-Peter MoforsEditorialsEditor word: Issue 1 2021“Connecting Minds" is the theme for this year's Nordic Congress of Psychiatry. The theme, which was decided several years ago, has taken...
Ramunė MazaliauskienėEditorialsIntroduction: Ramunė MazaliauskienėRamunė Mazaliauskienė, Chairman of Nordic Psychiatric Associations.
Ulrik Fredrik MaltEditorialsPsychiatry in the Time of CoronaThe lock down of social interaction in many countries due to the SARS-Cov-2 epidemic has several psychological and psychiatric implications.
Hans-Peter MoforsEditorialsEditor word: Issue 2 2020Dear colleague, we are indeed living in different and special times. Never has any of us experienced these new circumstances when our...