Hans-Peter MoforsMoney, money, money“Hired” doctors in Sweden – a coin with two sides Interview with Christian Törnqvist from the Swedish Association of Local Authorities (SALAR).
Páll MatthíassonMoney, money, moneyA reflection on money, happiness and mental health!Many years ago, during my training as a psychiatrist, I had the luxury of access to one of the largest psychiatric libraries in the world...
Marianne KastrupMoney, money, moneyThe Danish 10-year plan for psychiatryInterview with Merete Nordentoft, Chairperson of Danish Psychiatric Association.
Gylfi ZoegaMoney, money, moneyHealth expenditures and mental healthEvery society must decide how much to spend on health care. The decision involves trading off the disposable income of the healthy...
Lars LienMoney, money, moneyEthics or economy?Over recent years there has been a marked growth in the number of psychologists and psychiatrists leaving public health services in...
Marianne KastrupMoney, money, moneyMaking a difference: experiences from Amnesty InternationalInterview with Morten Ekstrøm, MD, PhD.
Linda LaiMoney, money, moneyStereotyping of the poor versus the wealthy Poor people are often negatively stereotyped, especially by individuals with high power and influence.
Anne Kristine BergemMoney, money, moneyLife as a locumInterview with psychiatrist Ole Kristian Kleivenes.
Lars LienMoney, money, moneySocial inequalities and mental healthSocial inequalities can have a significant impact on mental health outcomes. Research has consistently shown that individuals from...
Heming Olsen-BergemMoney, money, moneyThe price of a smileOral health care coverage in people with severe mental illness – a Nordic overview.
Petter Andreas RingenMoney, money, moneyBetween budget and quality of mental health servicesIn September 2022, I entered the position as Head of Division of Mental Health and Addiction (MHA) at Oslo University Hospital.
Marianne KastrupMoney, money, moneyWorking in Caritas, a worldwide Catholic humanitarian organizationInterview with Signe Lykkegaard, a specialist in psychiatry.