How can Nordic data sources contribute to existing evidence on perinatal mental health?
Perinatal psychopharmacology
Mood disorders in mothers
Cultural & other aspects of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder prevention & identification in Lithuania
Post-partum depression and how to prevent it
The importance of perinatal psychiatry
The shadow of perinatal illness on the developing child
Psychotropics and perinatal period
Mother and baby units
Clinical work with mothers and babies
Mamma Mia – tailored online support in the transition to motherhood
An interview with Alkistis Skalkidou, president of The Nordic Marcé Society
Brain not included: how Norway’s birth care leaves Perinatal Mental Health in the dark
Being a father when the mother has mental health challenges
Do we need a Nordic Alliance for perinatal mental health?
Parental mental illness and early years of life
Maternal infanticide: evolutionary psychological perspective
Pregnancy-related anxiety
Experience of pregnancy and delivery among women with mental disorders
Infant psychiatry and how it developed