Anne Kristine Bergem7 competencies of a psychiatristPhilosophy, mental health and mental disordersInterview with Erik Falkum, who explores fundamental questions in psychiatry.
Anne Kristine Bergem7 competencies - CollaboratorCL psychiatry – the psychiatrist as collaboratorInterview with Siv Elin Pigantiello, who is privileged to work alongside dedicated and engaged colleagues from somatic specialties.
Anne Kristine BergemWorld psychiatric associationMental disorders represent a worldwide public health concernInterview with Professor Danuta Wasserman, President of the World Psychiatric Association.
Anne Kristine BergemMoney, money, moneyLife as a locumInterview with psychiatrist Ole Kristian Kleivenes.
Anne Kristine BergemPerinatal mental healthAn interview with Alkistis Skalkidou, president of The Nordic Marcé SocietyAs a young woman, Alistis Skalkidou spent the last two years of high school in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She then returned to Greece...
Anne Kristine BergemPsychiatry at warA talk with the generalInterview with Jon Reichelt, former Head of the Medical branch of the Norwegian Armed Forces.
Anne Kristine BergemPsychiatry at warDoctors without borders or Médecins sans frontièresInterview with Luwam Bede, Caroline Norderhaug and Shanti Gylseth Sachane.