The psychiatrist as a health advocate
Yes, we can: interview with Mikkel Rasmussen
General competencies in the training of future psychiatrists in a time of shortage of supervisors
The world is experienced with the body: the art of medicine and creative writing
The psychiatrist as a Scholar – Coachman or fifth wheel on the wagon?
A Swedish multiple-choice test for psychiatrists
Psychiatrist as a professional: interview with Professor Eugenijus Laurinaitis
The importance of work for clients in psychiatric outpatient clinics
Psychiatrist as communicator: interview with Vilius Ogenskas
Psychiatry in Latvia throughout the centuries
A week in psychiatry with Hans-Peter Mofors
Highlights from the Nordic Journal of Psychiatry (June - October of 2023)
Mental disorders represent a worldwide public health concern
Get ready for the most exciting Baltic-Nordic Congress in Psychiatry of 2024!