The 34th international Nordic Congress of Psychiatry (NCP) “Knowledge and humanity in psychiatry” will take place in Riga, Latvia, in June on 6 and 7 June 2024. Internationally recognized psychiatric specialists in NCP will talk about psychiatric highlights, looking at social psychiatry and understanding the role of psychiatrist, as well as the past and future of psychiatry, also mentioning important topics such as suicide, anxiety and depression from a biological and clinical perspective, as well as the latest methods such as neuromodulation.

The Congress of the Nordic Association of psychiatrists is organised in one of the northern European or Baltic States every third year and this year is the first year when the Latvian Association of psychiatrists holds the Nordic Congress of psychiatry in Riga.
Maris Taube, President of the Latvian Association of psychiatrists: “It is a great honour and a challenge to organise such an important congress in Latvia, go in the same step with Nordic and Baltic colleagues, aspire to a similar level of treatment and humane attitude in psychiatry, be together and solve current problems. The knowledge will help us people with mental health problems even better '.
During Congress, internationally recognized psychiatry experts will talk about topics as follows:
The future of medicine and psychiatry;
Norwegian Symposium: What do psychiatrists have to do? How do we shape our role in the treatment team? Experience from Norway, Sweden and Finland;
Lithuanian Symposium: What's behind “I'm So tired”? Determination and measurement of fatigue;
Finnish Symposium: Neuromodulation therapies;
Islande Symposium: increase in ADHD prescribing in Islande: risk of psychotic episodes, abuse and prescribing antipsychotics;
Estonian Symposium: different approaches to treatment of schizophrenia
Latvian Symposium: demolition of fence in psychiatry - what next?
Swedish Symposium: suicide studies;
Danish Symposium: the future of Psychiatry in Denmark – a ten-year perspective;
Latest on anxiety disorders - epidemiology, taxonomy, etiology and treatment;
What does it take to be a psychiatrist? Continuation of psychiatric medical education – experience from Norway, Latvia and Lithuania;
Dual disorders and their effects on recovery in patients with schizophrenia;
The most current news from the Nordic Journal of Psychiatry;
Mental health during the perimenopausal period
The main challenge in treating depression: how to return your life joy
and others exciting topics every psychiatrist can relate in his clinical practice.
One of the speakers of the Latvian Symposium will be Liene Sile, head of Education and Research Department of the Riga Centre for Psychiatry and Narcology, who will talk about changes in Latvia's psychiatric healthcare system: 'Working every day in the healthcare sector, not only clinical but also administrative work, has led me to an understanding that the quality of service, accessibility and also compliance with scientific advances are just one of many mechanisms involved. Health care is made up of political processes as well as the socio-econymic state of society and overall health literacy. This is the century when psychiatry has finally become a priority and not just in our country but in other developed countries - we have a lot in common through the development of the industry, we can learn from each other and work together. For the past three years, the Nordic psychiatrists Association has been one of the most intense “volunteering job” for me and I am so grateful for the opportunity to be with bright and exceptional professionals in psychiatry from Scandinavia and the Baltic States – as a psychiatrist in clinic - we have much more in common than we can imagine. ”
More information about congress you can find in our webpage: ABOUT | NCP 2024.
Register already today - we have the friendliest registration fees, because we want our colleagues to truly enjoy best time in a year - Latvian summer! □
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